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A Chartered Member of Little League International since 1954

Game Rules

Minors/Majors teams use rules developed from Little League International. Click here to access "Eastside Rules":East Side LL Baseball Rules 2023.pdf

Rookies: Click here to access Southside Rookies Rules:Southside Rookies Rules 2024.pdf



The "Southside Philosophy" contains five key points: 

1.  Have Fun!  Our job as coaches and administrators is to keep things active and engaging for players.  We know that fun is the #1 reason kids play sports.  We encourage them to smile and remember that sports are first and foremost about having fun. 

2.  Work Hard!  Practice is an important time for developing skills and learning more about baseball and softball.  Giving your best effort is key.  We emphasize a "Mastery Approach" to coaching that emphasizes hard work and keeping players focused on self-improvement from practice to practice and game to game. 

3.  Mistakes are OK!  Mistakes are part of any sport knowing that mistakes are okay can help players feel like there is room to take risks and try their hardest.  This is particularly important in baseball and softball, where players who succeed 3 times out of 10 are called "All-Stars".  We emphasize the importance of bouncing back after making a mistake and coming back ready to make the next play. 

4.  Pick each other up!  An important part of our program is emphasizing the need for players to support each other.  We tell our players "we pick each other up and we don't put people down".  We are here to learn that being a good teammate is about supporting each other and helping players around you to feel confident and ready to play. 

5.  Honor the game!  Baseball and softball are beautiful sports that offer the most fun and enjoyment for all when we work together to honor the game.  We do this through emphasizing respect for the Rules, Officials, Opponents, Teammates, and Self (ROOTS) in all that we do.

Contact Us

Southside Little League

Southside Little League, P.O. Box 18711
Rochester, New York 14618

Email: [email protected]

Southside Little League

Southside Little League, P.O. Box 18711
Rochester, New York 14618

Email: [email protected]
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